Practice Tests for IELTS 2 (+CD)

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Prepare yourself for the IELTS exam using Collins Practice Tests for IELTS Book 2 By using Practice Tests for IELTS 2, you will:
Feel completely confident about how the IELTS exam works 
Know what to expect on the day of the exam 
Improve your score through realistic practice 
All you need for your ideal IELTS score:
- Four complete Academic IELTS tests
- PLUS Two complete General Reading and Writing papers
- A clear guide to how the IELTS exam works -
Useful information on common mistakes and how to avoid them
- CD + audioscript for the Speaking and Listening papers
- Answer key + model answers for the Speaking and Writing papers
You can trust Collins COBUILD Practice Tests for IELTS 2 contains a mini-dictionary with definitions based on COBUILD content.

ISBN: 978-0-00-759813-7

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