Collins English for the TOEFL Test

Опис книги:

Prepare yourself thoroughly for the TOEFL test By using Practice Tests for the TOEFL Test, you will:
• Feel completely confident about how the TOEFL test works
• Know what to expect on the day of the test
• Improve your score through realistic practice
All you need to achieve your ideal TOEFL score:
– Four complete TOEFL tests
– A clear guide to how the TOEFL test works
– A whole section full of useful tips on how to do well in the exam
– Realistic design to imitate the online environment of the iBT
– A CD (+ transcript) with accurate model Speaking and Listening papers
– Answers and explanations for all four sections of the test (including model answers for Speaking and Writing)
You can trust Collins COBUILD ‘Practice Tests for the TOEFL Test’ contains a mini-dictionary with definitions based on COBUILD content.

ISBN: 9780007499700

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