Tom Sawyer Abroad. Tom Sawyer, Detective

Юмор. Сатира , Юмор. Сатира /

Опис книги:

От издателя:Following on from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884-5) Tom Sawyer Abroad (1894) became one of Mark Twain's most popular books. Again we meet his world famous characters: Tom Sawyer, Nigger Jim, and Huck Finn - together now on a fantastical balloon journey across the Atlantic to meet lions and Bedouins in the Sahara and retrace something of Twain's own expedition to the Holy Land in his best-selling The Innocents Abroad (1869).

ISBN: 184022183Х#978-1-84022-183-1

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