Jardin Botanique Writer's Notebooks. Set Of Three

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Опис книги:

От издателя:Each of the three complementary design notebooks in a set of Jardin Botanique Writer's Notebooks from Galison Green is a botanical garden of lovely flowering plants, birds, and butterflies with labels in French: A notebook labeled "Les Messagers du Printemps: La Fleur bien aimee des dames" has lined pages and shows a sunflower, daisy, hydrangea, poppies, heliotrope, and rose and as promised, is sure to be loved by ladies! The "La Plante Belle: L'elegance de ses formes" has blank pages, and its covers show carnations, hyacinth, roses, hydrangea/hortensia, lamb's ears, primrose, and two colorful birds on branches.

ISBN: 9780735333192

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