Amazing Medical People. Level 2 (+ CD-ROM)

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Опис книги:

The inspiring stories of the people who changed history.
The Amazing People readers are collections of short stories in which exceptional people from history tell their story.
Each title includes:
• A CD with a full reading of each person's story
• A COBUILD glossary of the more difficult words
• A timeline to accompany each story
• Free online resources for students and teachers
In this book read about:
Edward Jenner, the man who fought the terrible disease, smallpox
Florence Nightingale, the nurse known as "the lady with the lamp"
Elizabeth Garrett, England's first female doctor
Carl Jung, the doctor who wanted to understand the human mind
Jonas Salk who defeated the dangerous illness, polio
Christiaan Barnard, the first man to replace a human heart

ISBN: 978-0-00-754509-4

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